Submit Your Nominations Now!

Leadership Award Nominations

Each year, the NAOC selects two highly qualified individuals as recipients of its Leadership Service Award, one representing government and the other representing industry. The award program is designed to recognize significant contributions made by individuals to advance the image and professionalism of the NAOC, the Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP) industry and/or service to the community in support of the MMRP industry.

The NAOC Leadership Awards will be presented at our Annual General Membership Meeting in December of this year. Please consider submitting a nomination for our Government and Industry awards. Nominations are accepted throughout the year, but closed for a given year 60 days prior to the award date.

Use the Leadership Award Nomination Form at the bottom of this page to submit your nomination today!

Additional information is provided below and in the attached description of the NAOC Award Program.

  • Awardees are selected among qualified nominations submitted by any Member in good standing.
  • Awards are presented annually; at a meeting/conference specified by the Board of Directors.
  • Nominations are accepted throughout the year; however, nominations for a given year will be closed 60 days prior to the announced award date.
  • Nominees are selected by a Selection Board convened by the Member Services Committee and consisting of a representative from each of the standing committees and one of the Board of Directors.

NAOC was please to honor Dr. Jorden Adelson and Mr. Ryan Steigerwalt as our Government and Industry Leadership Award Recipients at our 2023 Membership Meeting. 

Previous Recipients


2023 - Dr. Jordan Adelson

2022 - Dr. Kari Meier

2021 - Ms. Betina Johnson

2020 - Mr. Nick Stolte

2019 - Mr. John Jackson

2018 – Mr. John Sikes

2017 - Mr. Bill Sargent

2016 - Mr. Herb Nelson

2015 – Congressman Sam Farr

2014 – Mr. Robert Selfridge

2013 - Mr. Chris L Evans, P.E., PMP

2012 - Mr. J.C. King

2011 - Mr. Chris Penny

2010 - Ms. Carol Youkey

2009 - Congressman Earl Blumenauer

2008 - Mr. David Douthat


2023 - Mr. Ryan Steigerwalt

2022 - Ms. Lanette Waite

2021 - Mr. James Salisbury

2020 - Mr. Jeffery Leberfinger

2019 - Mrs. Victoria Kantsios

2018 – Mr. John Allan

2017 - Mr. Hud Heaton

2016 - Mrs. Kyra Donnell

2015 – Mrs. Suzy Cantor-McKinney

2014 – Mr. Richard Hanoski

2013 - Ms. Heather Polinsky

2012 - Mr. Robert T. Fay, Sr.

2011 - Mr. Doug Lamothe

2010 - Mr. John Chionchio

2009 - Mr. Ben Redmond

2008 - Mr. Chuck Thiesen

Leadership Award Nomination Form

Note: Fields marked with an * are required.

The Leadership Service Award recognizes the significant contributions made by an individual whether within NAOC or outside the organization to improve NAOC and the global munitions response industry.  The award is based on the individual’s leadership, professional accomplishments, and community service.  The nominee should have at least five years involvement in the ordnance service areas and demonstrate high levels of achievement and accomplishment in their professional role and support of NAOC.  Up to two awards are anticipated – one for a government/stakeholder representative and one for an individual employed by a current or former NAOC member company

For nominees currently engaged in providing ordnance services, the NAOC member nominee’s company must be in good standing with NAOC.  Government/stakeholder nominees must be actively involved in the ordnance service areas and preferably have supported the NAOC as a presenter, facilitator, etc. in the past. For nominees who are no longer involved in the ordnance service areas (e.g., retired), nominees must have demonstrated a significant positive impact on the military munitions response program.  Appropriate consideration for NAOC member firm standing (e.g., current versus historical) will be made by the Board. 

Nominee Category - select one *